Monthly Archives: February 2017

When Things Fall into Place


It’s been a long time since I’ve written on here – the reason for that will be shared further on in this post…

Yesterday my mom said to me, “I’m so glad things are falling into place for you finally.”

As I reflected on that comment, I realized how at peace I felt because she was right. Lately everything just seems to be falling into place.

Since moving back to the Windsor area in April 2013, I have struggled to find my place, to figure out where I fit. I’ve had 5 different jobs in less than 4 years and I have moved 5 times. My life has been unsteady, to say the least.

I have faced difficulty in finding community and making close friends.

I had to start all over again when I moved back here and it was hard. No matter what I did, I didn’t feel content.

A couple of the jobs I had over the last few years have been fantastic. Working at BeachWalk Family Fitness was one of the best employments I’ve ever had. It was a great job, working for an amazing boss. I was given the opportunity to grow and challenge myself in ways I will be forever grateful for.

As much as I loved the job, I struggled financially. As a single person trying to pay bills, car insurance, gas, groceries, and for very expensive medications, I never seemed to be able to make ends meet.

It didn’t help that my living situation kept changing due to unforeseen circumstances, and that I ended up in a place where my hydro bills were three times what I’d been told they’d be.

I also know myself well enough to admit that I am not the best when it comes to managing money. I have often used shopping as therapy and that has gotten me into trouble.

I ended up leaving the gym for a job at Indigo after working both jobs for a while. I sincerely enjoyed working at Indigo and believe it is a fantastic company, but things didn’t turn out as I had hoped.

My hours dropped after Christmas, and due to my early morning shifts, it became increasingly difficult to have any social life.

I also worked most Sundays so I wasn’t able to attend church much, which eventually took a toll on my spiritual well-being.

By early January I was in a slump.

My time was spent working, sleeping and trying to figure out where I was going to live (I am currently inhabiting the guest room in my parents’ house).

My energy was zapped. My motivation was gone.

I had hit a wall.

I knew I needed to find a new job with regular hours. I also knew I needed to get off my butt and start volunterring and socializing again. All hard to do without motivation.

Then a woman I have known since my teens who has always been someone I greatly respect and admire contacted me to say she needed leaders for Alpha at Lakeshore St. Andrews Church, and I had come to her mind.

LSA Church was my church in my teens, and the church I went back to when I moved back to this area. However, as already mentioned, I hadn’t been able to attend much in recent months.

This woman is someone I could not say no to and I agreed to meet with her to discuss things further.

During our meeting she handed me the previous Sunday’s bulletin, and highlighted was a job opportunity at the church as an Office Administrator.

After my meeting with her, I met with another church staff member to discuss another ministry I was interested in volunteering with. Later that afternoon, I got an email from this staff member telling me about the job opening “in case I was interested”.

It was almost exactly seven years ago that I first felt the calling to work in ministry. That eventually led to my job at The Meeting House in the GTA. When I lost that job I didn’t think I would ever work in ministry again. I also didn’t know if I ever wanted to work in ministry again.

But even as I pursued other career paths, God was still dropping little hints that He wanted me in ministry again. I even applied for an admin job at another church last summer, but declined the interview when I was hired at Indigo.

I couldn’t ignore God’s voice any longer. He’d been patient with me throughout my slump, and throughout the previous three years as I tried to create my own path.

Now He being very clear about what He wanted from me.

So I applied for the job and got it.

I also became a leader at Alpha.

Last week I found out my application had been approved for a duplex in Belle River that I love and is perfect for me.

Suddenly everything is falling into place.

And for the first in a while I feel alive.

I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

Funny how that happens when you put your own agenda aside and start listening to God’s voice.

His way is definitely better than mine.


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